GURPS Day Summary Jan 1, 2016 – Jan 28, 2016

Starting next week, I’ll run the posts Thursday night, probably around 10pm CST. That will catch all of the GURPS Day posts when they’re fresh.
GURPS Day has been an amusing thing for me for years now, but I’m vastly excited that it’s become something more, with encouragement from Steve Jackson Games themselves.
I’ve already seen things start to snowball, in a good way, with posts being written based on posts from this community.
And I know it’ll keep growing, because there are definitely dozens more GURPS blogs out there, or gaming blogs that mention GURPS. Since I ask that the RSS feeds we scrape are self-filtered (see the instructions), so long as posts are tagged with GURPS and have a good RSS2.0 feed, a blogger can just write as she likes, and the script will put up a link when GURPS is a topic, and not when not.
Complete list is behind the break . . .
Precis – List of GURPS-related posts from 18 blogs from Jan 1, 2016 through noon-ish Jan 28, 2016.
RogerBW’s Blog (Roger Bell-West)
- GURPS Dungeon Fantasy 17: Guilds, Matt Riggsby (1/28/16)
- GURPS Aliens: Sparrials, Elizabeth McCoy (1/13/16)
Southern Style GURPS (Chris Bower)
- Thursday Style: The Black Arrow of Zumzack (1/28/16)
- Wednesday Spell: Dinjeesh’s Dazing Weapon (1/27/16)
- Bestiary: Cockatrice (1/27/16)
- Current Campaign, Session 16 Log (1/25/16)
- Using Boardroom and Curia (1/22/16)
- Magical Style: Empty Mind (1/21/16)
- Dazzle (1/20/16)
- Everyone Else is Doing It (1/20/16)
Celti’s Chatter (Patrick Burroughs)
- What’s the Frequency, Kenneth? (1/28/16)
- An Altered State of Mind (1/25/16)
- GURPS Aging Calculator (1/23/16)
Gaming Ballistic (Douglas Cole)
- Quick Contests go Quickly (1/28/16) – How does one take the time it takes to figure out modifiers and steamroll right through it?
- GURPS Day Summary Jan 1, 2016 – Jan 27, 2016 (1/28/16)
- GURPS Day – Give me your tired, your hungry, your RSS Feed (1/27/16) – One to three sentences summarizing your post.
- Aeon S1E3: Into the Pits (of Despair?) (1/26/16)
- Reloading Press: .300 AAC (1/25/16)
- GURPS Day Test Post (1/24/16) – This is a test post I’m using to try out a scripting method for GURPS Day
- Thursday REALLY IS GURPS Day! (1/21/16)
- Aeon Session 2: When last we left our heroes (1/19/16)
- Reloading Press: 5.7x28mm (1/18/16)
- Melee Academy: Disarms comments by Railstar (1/18/16)
- Melee Academy: Disarming (by Kalzazz) (1/14/16)
- Melee Academy: Disarms in four systems (1/14/16)
- Aeon Supers Campaign: Session 1 (1/13/16)
- Aeon Supers Campaign: Commander Samurai Returns (1/12/16)
- Reloading Press: 9x19mm (9mm Parabellum) (1/11/16)
- Sunday Review: Action 1 (1/10/16)
- Follow-up to Iniative and the OODA loop – Questions answered (1/08/16)
- Initiative and the OODA loop in GURPS (noodling) (1/07/16)
- Reloading Press: 6.8x43mm SPC (1/04/16)
- Cubic ST and Double HP – combined (1/03/16)
- Reloading Press: 5.56x45mm Mk318 mod 0 (1/02/16)
Dungeon Fantastic (Peter Dell’Orto)
- GURPS DF: Magical Questions in the Lost City (1/28/16)
- Lost City 5, Part II – In Pictures (1/26/16)
- DF Session 72, Lost City 5 – Part II, Rangol Grot (1/25/16)
- Wandering Monsters in Specific (1/24/16)
- Revised GURPS Magic: Air Vortex (1/22/16)
- My latest draft is in playtest! (1/22/16)
- Melee Academy: Why punching/grappling armed guys is a bad idea (1/21/16)
- Thursday is GURPSDay – are you in? (1/20/16)
- Revised GURPS Magic: Explosive Spells (1/19/16)
- Revised GURPS Magic: Hold Fast & Wallwalker (1/18/16)
- Revised GURPS Magic ruling priority (1/18/16)
- Revised GURPS Magic: Windstorm (1/17/16)
- Melee Academy: Why I Don’t See a Lot of Disarming (1/14/16)
- DF Game, Session 71 – Lost City 5, Part I – Mowgli Battle (1/11/16)
- Emergency DF session! (1/11/16)
- Review: Dungeon Fantasy 18: Power Items (1/09/16)
- Why I use initiative rolls in GURPS DF (1/08/16)
- Player Tips: Running a Utility Character in GURPS DF (1/07/16)
- DF Lost City: Did Hjalmarr Stay Dead? (1/06/16)
- Random DF Campaign Notes (1/03/16)
Mailanka’s Musings (Daniel Dover)
- Psi Wars: The Second Iteration — Adjusting the Rules (1/27/16)
- Psi-Wars Iteration 1 Bonus Post (1/23/16)
- Psi-Wars: The First Iteration Playtest (1/21/16)
- Psi Wars: the First Iteration Sample Opponent: Troopers (1/20/16)
- Psi Wars: the First Iteration Sample Character: “Lady” Leylana Grey (1/19/16)
- Psi Wars: The First Iteration Sample Character: Kendra Corleoni (1/18/16)
- Psi Wars: The First Iteration Sample Character: Sir Dun Beltain (1/17/16)
- Psi-Wars: The First Iteration (1/13/16)
- Psi-Wars: Don’t Convert, Create! (1/06/16)
- A New Years Resolution (1/01/16)
Insidious GURPS Planning (Mr. Insidious)
- Improvise! (1/22/16)
- Single Dice Resolution Systems Suck (1/21/16)
- Prohibition Mob: A summary of events thus far (1/12/16)
- Inescapable Logic (1/08/16)
- Angry Rant: How to advertise a GURPS (really any) game. (1/05/16)
No School Grognard (Mark Langsdorf)
- Castle of Horrors Sessions 14 and 15 (1/26/16)
- Castle of Horrors Session 13 (1/07/16)
- Castle of Horrors Session 12 (1/06/16)
The Collaborative Gamer (Joseph Linden)
- Rules Debate at the Table (1/27/16)
- Obstacles! Hazards! Wards! Traps! (1/27/16)
- Thursday is GURPSday! – Random Dungeon Creator (1/21/16)
- NPC generator! Plus fantasy names! (1/18/16)
- Automated Worldbuilding at Worlds Beyond Earth! (1/15/16)
- An extra post, since Thursday is GURSPday: Anyone for Journeys? (1/14/16)
- Thursday is GURPSDay! Melee Academy: Disarming (1/14/16)
- A Fairly Extensive System for Creating Fantasy Worlds (1/13/16)
- Thoughts on Measuring Peril (1/12/16)
- A (Ridiculously Huge) System of Tables for Creating Adventures! (1/11/16)
Northport (Denis McCarthy)
- My character art is now on sale! (1/28/16)
- A new theme, The Revenant,and thoughts on hexcrawling (1/13/16)
- A year in commissions and purchases (1/10/16)
Let’s GURPS (Pseudonym)
- Cross-Post: GURPSday Listings (1/28/16) – The January 28 GURPSday aggregation.
- Review: Low Tech Companion 2: Weapons and Warriors (1/27/16) – A review of the very useful Low Tech Companion 2.
- Review: Low-Tech Companion 1: Philosophers and Kings (1/27/16) – A review of the information dense Low Tech Companion 1.
- Sorcery: Far Tasting (1/26/16) – A weird support spell when you need to taste distant things.
- Equipment: Hookshot (1/26/16) – Ramblings of using the metatronic generator rules to build a Zelda inspired hookshot.
- Sorcery: Know Recipe (1/25/16) – A Sorcery make-over of a spell to reverse engineer recipes.
- Alternative Mechanics: Alternative Distributions (1/24/16) – A look at other dice distributions in GURPS without changing the 3-18 spread.
- Analyzing Alternative Resolution Mechanics: Different Dice (1/23/16) – A “failed” exploration of using dice rolls besides 3d6.
- Treasure: Phosphorescent Pole (1/22/16) – A look at using Sorcery to make a weapon inspired by Demon’s Souls.
- Comparison: The mechanics of a melee attack in various RPG systems (1/21/16)
- Comparison: Calculating Melee Defensive Capabilities in different RPGs (1/20/16)
- Cross-Post: Another combat system comparison from Gaming Ballistic (1/20/16)
- Template: Dungeon Fantasy Style Cleric – Divine Favor Edition. (1/20/16)
- Comparison: Calculating Melee Attacking Proficiency in different RPGs (1/19/16)
- Treasure: Eternal Warrior’s Ring (1/18/16)
- Treasure: Ring Of The Evil Eye (1/17/16)
- Power: Scorpion Spear (1/16/16)
- Encounter: Green Requiem (1/15/16)
- Encounter: Cait Sith, The Annoying Heal Bot (1/15/16)
- Familiar: Pig (1/14/16)
- Treasure: Master’s Ring (1/12/16)
- Reblog: Procedural GURPS adventures (1/12/16)
- Encounter: Bottle Genie (1/12/16)
- Encounter: Onkolithos ripti (1/10/16)
- Review: Dungeon Fantasy 18: Power Items (1/09/16)
Ravens N’ Pennies (Christopher R. Rice)
- Designer’s Notes: Magic Bullets (1/28/16)
- Gamemaster’s Guidepost: Randomly Generated Traps (1/23/16)
- Sicatra – The Edge of Twilight – Game Session 2 (1/20/16)
- Melee Academy: Hostile Diplomatic Relations (or “How to Disarm With Words Instead of Swords”) (1/14/16)
- Sicatra – The Edge of Twilight – Game Session 1 (1/12/16)
- Carpe Blogiem: It’s Been an Aeon… (1/07/16)
One Yard Hex (Paul Stefko)
- Space Patrol: Doctor (Ensign) Marco De La Cruz (1/21/16)
- Space Patrol: Lt. Commander Lakshmi Undatu (1/14/16)
- Space Patrol: The Ranger (1/11/16)
Fragments of the Last War (Bryan Timms)
- Fragments of the Last War 22 – A Game for Knights, part 3 (1/27/16)
- Fragments of the Last War 21 – A Game for Knights, part 2 (1/08/16)
Shooting Dice (Hans-Christian Vortisch)
- Tactical Shooting: The Veteran (1/28/16)
- Tactical Shooting: Miami Vice (1/21/16)
- Martial Arts: Sherlock (1/16/16)
- Martial Arts: The Maltese Falcon (1/14/16)
- High-Tech: Remington Model 870 Police Magnum (1/11/16)
- Tactical Shooting: Collateral (1/04/16)
- High-Tech: H&K P7M8 (1/04/16)
Game Geekery (Warren “Mook” Wilson)
- My GM Kit – Appendix 1 (1/27/16)
- Player-Created Skills (1/22/16)
- Streamlining GURPS, Part Two (1/21/16)
- Streamlining GURPS (1/14/16)
- Locus: Table of Contents (1/08/16)
Dark Paths and Wandered Roads (Jason Woollard)
- Grand Duchy 74 (1/28/16)
- Grand Duchy 73 (1/21/16)
- Simple Tricks 0 (1/18/16)
- Grand Duchy 72 (1/14/16)
Code By Clockwork (Jeff Demers)
- GURPS Calculator 2.1.1 Released (1/28/2016)