My friend Ursula is a sales coach and business advisor. “UpLevel Now” is her latest strategy assessment and alignment tool/book. it reminds me very strongly of the McChrystal Group’s CrossLead framework where you use a structured approach to help you identify the critical parameters to create a high-performing team. In UpLevel Now, Ursula uses her own – and her client’s – examples to show how to frame your goals in ways that help you see them as achievable, isolate your sources of strength and barriers to success.
Couched in self-help terms, it’s got some application for unsticking yourself as a creative. A good framework gets you moving, and maybe this framework will work to help get you motivated.
Game authors and publishers are in the sales business. You’re selling yourself, your ideas, your products, and you don’t make money if you’re not producing…but maybe (as with myself right now), fretting about how MUCH you’re producing is robbing you of the ability to do great things unburdened by that boat anchor.
Anyway, I’m working through her book now and seeing the value in how she’s posing questions and framing things, and I bet other folks – GMs writing campaigns, authors wanting to write books, would-be and actual publishers on any scale wanting to break out – would benefit from the structured approach to attacking growth.
Some growth just happens. The rest requires sweat and direction.